Inessa Armand versus Alexey Shmakov – Engin Kurtay, Ali Polat

The Hysterical side as opposed to the Factual side of The 1905 “Russian Revolution”

Istanbul Institute of
Russian and Sovietic Studies

The mass gathering scene of the political action film by James McTeigue, V for Vendetta (2005) reminds us the October (1928) of Sergei Eisenstein! However, there is a slight but crucial difference: the crowd in the film heads towards the Parliament.

Not to the Buckingham Palace! …

And, neither any audience nor any cocky film analyst have so far questioned what could have been going on in the Buckingham Palace during those moments of blowing the Parliament up. The film never shows anything related to the Royal Order. It successfully makes the audiences to forget the fact that there actually exists a kind of centralized power in Britain. Continue reading “Inessa Armand versus Alexey Shmakov – Engin Kurtay, Ali Polat”

Why Kamala Harris was destined to fail? – The paradoxes of anti-WASP left – Engin Kurtay, Ali Polat

Professor Zizek’s paradox is due to a false contradiction that can exchange their roles with each other like any other paradox:

A) Those who can give up their own identity and have the privilege of talking about the victimization of the victims: We call this group WASP: the initials of white; Anglo Saxon; Protestant. Male is often added to it too: WASP+male.

B) Those who can declare their own identities without being stamped as fascist: This group includes all skin colors and ethnicities other than WASP. We call this group non-WASP. However, this group is not uniform in itself. They position themselves in a spectrum of different degrees of grievances and victimizations: the farther you are from WASP, the more authentic victims you are. For example, an Afro American is more underprivileged than a “brown” (mixed blood); a Bengali is more underprivileged than a Chinese; a Chinese is more than an Italian; a muslim is more than a buddhist; a buddhist is more than a catholic; a transsexual is more than a homosexual; a lesbian woman is more than a straight woman … and they altogether are victims of the WASP+male. Continue reading “Why Kamala Harris was destined to fail? – The paradoxes of anti-WASP left – Engin Kurtay, Ali Polat”

The fantasy universe of Sergei Eisenstein’s ‘October’ – Ali Polat, Engin Kurtay

Istanbul Institute of
Russian and Sovietic Studies

The people of Russia, except few rickety events, remained indifferent to the centenary of the 1917 Revolution and spent the November 7th 2017 like a normal day. According to a survey commissioned by the Communist Party, 58% of the Russian population was unaware of the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution (1).

Whereas Nov. 7th was a holiday celebrated by big ceremonies, during the Soviet era.

The editor of the independent Russian TV channel, documentary filmmaker Mikhail Viktorovich Zygor proclaimed that he was very surprised by the fact that the Russian press remained indifferent to the centenary of October Revolution (2).

The Russian President V. Putin, four days prior to Nov. 7th (in November 3, 2017), said that the October Revolution was a complicated episode of their own history and that these course of events should be treated with respect in an unbiased way (3).
Continue reading “The fantasy universe of Sergei Eisenstein’s ‘October’ – Ali Polat, Engin Kurtay”

The goose’s foot is scalloped – Article dediquée aux «Gilets Jaunes» – Engin Kurtay

— Joint article with Prof Şener Üşümezsoy – The Redskin !!!! —
— And with contributions of AliPolaT – The Director !!!! —

Gilets Jaunes: «Les élites parlent de fin du monde, quand nous, on parle de fin du mois» (Raphaëlle Rérolle, Le Monde, Publié le 24 novembre 2018 à 09h20 – Mis à jour le 25 novembre 2018 à 15h32)

”New communication technologies” that we know as peaceful, democrat, pluralist, will supposingly make the world a big village where everyone should be brothers, sisters with each other, they are no longer new nor peaceful. They have already passed the competitive capitalist phase. They became oligopolistic. They eat rent. Instead of creating new jobs, they obstruct employment and economic development. They have penetrated the state, intertwined with the repressive apparatus of state, they became panopticon – Edward Snowden is in exile since he revealed this condition. Continue reading “The goose’s foot is scalloped – Article dediquée aux «Gilets Jaunes» – Engin Kurtay”

Kaşıkçı cinayetinin jeopolitiği – Engin Kurtay

Tarih canlıdır. Önce yalan vardır. Olaydan hemen sonraki yalan en inanılır, en az sorgulanır yalandır. Zaman verileri erozyona uğratır ama tarihçilerin yeni kaynaklar bulmasına da vesile olur. Bazen ortaya çıkan tek bir belge ile bütün hikaye değişir, koca bir kütüphane çöp olur. Tarih, amansız bir sorgulama ve araştırma disiplinidir. Konunun içine daldıkça bilmediklerinizin daha fazla, kazın ayağının sandığınızdan daha taraklı olduğunu görürsünüz. Bu yönüyle Tarih en gerçek bilimdir. Continue reading “Kaşıkçı cinayetinin jeopolitiği – Engin Kurtay”

Rusya’dan Notlar -2 – Engin Kurtay

Istanbul Institute of
Russian and Sovietic Studies

USS Donald Cook: Karadeniz’in ortasında kalakalmış bir kurbanlık koyun..

Rostov-on-Don’da Pushkinskaya Caddesi’nde yürüyüş yapmak başlıbaşına bir keyif. Burası, araç trafiğine kapalı, ağaç ve çiçekleriyle ve her köşebaşında kahve satan kulübeleriyle, park kıvamında, kent sakinlerinin bisiklet, paten, kaykaylarla gezdikleri popüler bir cadde. Kentin rekreasyon alanlarıyla ilgili olarak burada özellikle vurgulamaya değer ayrıntılar şöyle: Continue reading “Rusya’dan Notlar -2 – Engin Kurtay”

Alex Krainer speaks on Bill Browder and the Magnitsky Act

Istanbul Institute of
Russian and Sovietic Studies

Bill Browder, the Magnitsky Act, and anti-Russia sanctions: Interview with Alex Krainer, by Sott Media.

Bill Browder, the false crusader for justice and human rights and the self-styled No. 1 enemy of Vladimir Putin has perpetrated a brazen and dangerous deception upon the Western world. This book traces the anatomy of this deception, unmasking the powerful forces that are pushing the Western world toward yet another great war with Russia.

Alex Krainer
Equilibrium, Monaco, 2017

Kazın ayağı taraklıdır

Istanbul Institute of
Russian and Sovietic Studies

Üstte: Açlıktan ölen ayıya ağlayan Kanadalı Paul Nicklen
Altta: Kanada’da fok katliamı

Bilgi sermaye son derece kaygan, değeri sıfırlanabilen, yenilenen, kopyalanan bir üretim aracı olduğu için, rantiye hale geldiğinde bu pozisyonunu ancak devlet koruması altında sürdürebilir. Bu nedenle bilgi sermaye oligarşisi, bu korumayı sağlamak yerine, bilgi rantını sınırlayan ya da engelleyen merkeziyetçi-devletçi rejimlerle de amansız bir çelişki halindedir. Bu temel çelişkiyi ilerici ve gerçekçi sol politikalara tedavül etmek için solcunun önce ırkçı, etnik, kültürel, yerelci, kimlikçi siyaseti bir yana bırakmasi, elde hazır kurumsal ve hukuki araçlarını, sistemin karşılayamadığı vaadleri son noktasına kadar götürecek şekilde kullanması gerekir. Aksi takdirde tahteravallinin yanlış tarafına basmaya devam edeceğinden, bu çelişkiyi sol değil -daha önce de olduğu gibi- devletçi keynesçi ekonomi politikaları çözecektir. Continue reading “Kazın ayağı taraklıdır”

The new ideological warfare between etatism and globalism

Istanbul Institute of
Russian and Sovietic Studies

At Left: The “English” Ivan the Terrible, the CEO of Muscovy Company, a “globalist”
At Right: Peter the Third, who was betrayed and dethroned by his wife, an “etatist”

What is the real stake behind the over-romanticising of October Revolution by The New York Times? It is also noticeable that Putin’s regime overlooks Lenin and the October Revolution. Is a new propanganda warfare on re-writing history between American establishment and Russian regime coming out? Could we link this warfare to Trump’s election and his neo-keynesian economy-politics aiming to overcome the current (2008) “great depression”? And the rise of Russia as the new global power undertaking huge infrastructures namely the New Silk Road, Yamal Project, Shanghai Five, rebuilding the Eurasia-centered World system as the new global converging market? Continue reading “The new ideological warfare between etatism and globalism”