They are “victims”, therefore they are tolerable to be Nazis! — Engin Kurtay

LGBTQ+ is the biopolitics of neo-Nazism

Around mid-October 2022 news reported that two idiots committed suicide in Yerevan — but be careful, no news defined them as “idiots”. It’s us, who define them as “idiots”. No one else!

But what it is exactly the “idiocy” here?

It’s certainly NOT in the fact that the suiciders were gays, as many other idiots (some even among our readers) would hastily love grabbing the assertion that we were homophobic and that’s why we call them “idiots”. Fortunately not all gays are LGBTQ+ indoctrinated and the smartest ones are even against to it — against being politically manipulated by dirty LGBTQ+ agendas. Continue reading “They are “victims”, therefore they are tolerable to be Nazis! — Engin Kurtay”

Sexual is (not) Political – Part 4 – Prof Slavoj Žižek

The opposition between the sexual politics (“biopolitics” in Foucaultian terms) of religious fundamentalism (whose extreme cases are ISIS and Boko Haram) and the radicalism of LGBT+ forms an axis of excesses from which one should distinguish another axis [axis-y], the one of the opposition between the two “normal” (and much more predominant) stances, the “normal” conservative family ideology which is ready to deplore the extremist excesses [the red curve], and the “normal” stance of liberal permissiveness which supports feminism and gay rights but prefers to mockingly dismiss the excesses of LGBT+ [the blue curve].

The basic axis is this one [y]. And each of its two opposed poles [the closer peaks to y-axis of both red and blue curves] tends to dismiss its radicalized version (Muslim-style extreme subordination of women is rejected by moderate-conservative Muslims; the excessive measures advocated by LGBT+ are also rejected by the mainstream advocates of women’s rights and of gay rights). Each side rejects such extremes as its own pathological outgrowth, as something belonging to those who have lost the proper human measure.

Continue reading “Sexual is (not) Political – Part 4 – Prof Slavoj Žižek”

Kemalistlerin ‘Kürt koridoru’ yanılgısı ve aydınlar arası iletişim(sizlik)



Jan Hus… Another “Professor” par excellence.

Originally published on

Gelinen noktada Türk ulusalcılarının, Kemalistlerin “Kürt koridorunu” hala bir “korku nesnesi” olarak algılaması, büyük resmi görmeyi engelleyen ve bundan sonra ancak topyekun felaketi getirecek bir savaş mantığına hizmet edecektir. İki kaybedenin, yani Türkiye’nin ilerici aydınları (Kemalistler ve ulusalcılar da dahil) ve “koridordaki” Kürtler, aralarında konuşabilmeleri ve birbirlerine güvenecekleri ortak politikayı üretebilmeleri gerekir. Felakete gidişi durdurmak için tek şans budur.

Continue reading “Kemalistlerin ‘Kürt koridoru’ yanılgısı ve aydınlar arası iletişim(sizlik)”

Zizek: Etkiler ve tepkiler

Originally published on

Kalem korosunu öttüren her zaman para değildir, aşağıda anlattığımız durumda, entelektüellerin skolastik kaygısıdır…

Prof Slavoj Zizek’in son ziyareti (27-28 Ocak 2012) büyük yaygara kopardı. Ziyaretten önce hakkında çıkan “Osmanlıcı”, “Oryantalist” yakıştırmaları nedeniyle övgü ve yergilerle zaten gündemdeydi. Mimar Sinan Üniversitesi’nde iki saat süren argüman fırtınası ise kimseyi memnun etmedi: İslamcı basın aradığını bulamadığı için sustu; Nuray Mert önceki yergilerine yeni malzemeler ekledi; ama asıl önemlisi bu kez Zizek siyasal etnik sol basının şimşeklerini üzerine çekti: BirGün Gazetesi bir günde (5 Şubat 2012 Pazar) üç yergi yazısı yayımlayarak Zizek’i en çok topa tutma rekoruna sahip oldu. Continue reading “Zizek: Etkiler ve tepkiler”