Let’s study how Chrystia Freeland avoids talking on her grandpa’s Krakivski Visti — Engin Kurtay

Hey Chrystia! Don’t be a puppet. You should go to Ukraine and join your army for re-writing a decent national history!

We would never judge, of course, someone by his\her anchestor’s criminal records. No matter how their “blood” is related, they’re different individuals. Their acts and their thoughts are assented as disconnected from each others.

But what if the descendant of a criminal appropriates and even celebrates this ancestor —not in his/her own private conversations but— in Public, in media? Continue reading “Let’s study how Chrystia Freeland avoids talking on her grandpa’s Krakivski Visti — Engin Kurtay”

Here is when the Western Media censors an Ukrainian broadcasting! — Engin Kurtay

Do you think it’s past? No. It’s right here and there!

You will pay for it! But not on the field. On the Court !

It’s a common fact that the Western Media prioritizes the Ukrainian war propaganda.

However there are exceptional situations when the Western Media carefully censors the Ukrainian broadcasting.

This video hereunder is shot and spread by Ukrainian soldiers — as a revenge, upon their defeated counter-offensive around Kharkov. And it is carefully censored by the Western Media :

The immediate reaction of our audiences is “Oh, this is war, war is hideous!“.

But it shouldn’t be that simple. We should ask how one should deal with this hideousness. Continue reading and watch how the surrendered Ukrainian soldiers are treated according to the Geneva Convention: Continue reading “Here is when the Western Media censors an Ukrainian broadcasting! — Engin Kurtay”

Ukraine and The Third World — Prof Slavoj Žižek

Note: This article was received from Prof Slavoj Žižek upon our publishing of the previous article “From Sartre to Zizek, freedom or Bashi-Bazouklouk — Engin Kurtay“. Professor has mentioned that he cut off all links with RT.


After the Russian attack on Ukraine, I was yet again ashamed of being a citizen of Slovenia. The Slovene government immediately proclaimed that it is ready to receive thousands of Ukrainian refugees fleeing Russian occupation… OK, but when Afghanistan fell to Taliban, this same government announced that Slovenia is not ready to receive any refugees from there – the justification was that instead of escaping, people should stay there and fight Taliban with guns. Along the same lines, a couple of months ago when thousands of refugees from Asia tried to enter Poland from Belarus, Slovene government offered Poland military help, claiming that Europe is under attack there. So there are obviously two species of refugees, “ours” (European), i.e., “real refugees,” and the Third World ones who don’t deserve our hospitality. Continue reading “Ukraine and The Third World — Prof Slavoj Žižek”