Hamas’ attacks: the US sabotaging the Netanyahu + Salman approach — Engin Kurtay

An advance in tourism business by establishing nude beach at the coast from Israeli border till the Egyptian border is administered to improve the economic conditions in Gaza Strip

The Palestine Liberation Organizasyon used to have a secular, progressive political agenda. The US project to clash it with its radical Islamist version was in line with the green belt doctrine in force during the 80s. Then throughout 90s and 2000s the left had been made to adopt this religious radicalism with the pretext of democracy and the green belt doctrine which used to be considered as a corner stone of the Middle Eastern fascism in the 70s and the 80s was made forgotten. Victimization and patheticising played the crucial role here — as it is a general case for all kinds of fascistic movements Continue reading “Hamas’ attacks: the US sabotaging the Netanyahu + Salman approach — Engin Kurtay”

The geopolitics behind the killing of Jamal Khashoggi – Engin Kurtay

History is alive. At first hand we always have a lie. The lie immediately after the incident is the most believed, the least questioned lie. Time erodes the data but it also helps historians to find new sources. Sometimes a single document changes the whole story, sending a huge library to the trash. History is a relentless inquiry and research discipline. As you plunge deeper into the subject, the more you find out that your knowledge is limited, the more you see that the goose’s foot is more combed than you thought. In that respect History is the “hardest” of all sciences. Continue reading “The geopolitics behind the killing of Jamal Khashoggi – Engin Kurtay”

Kazın ayağı taraklıdır

Istanbul Institute of
Russian and Sovietic Studies

Üstte: Açlıktan ölen ayıya ağlayan Kanadalı Paul Nicklen
Altta: Kanada’da fok katliamı

Bilgi sermaye son derece kaygan, değeri sıfırlanabilen, yenilenen, kopyalanan bir üretim aracı olduğu için, rantiye hale geldiğinde bu pozisyonunu ancak devlet koruması altında sürdürebilir. Bu nedenle bilgi sermaye oligarşisi, bu korumayı sağlamak yerine, bilgi rantını sınırlayan ya da engelleyen merkeziyetçi-devletçi rejimlerle de amansız bir çelişki halindedir. Bu temel çelişkiyi ilerici ve gerçekçi sol politikalara tedavül etmek için solcunun önce ırkçı, etnik, kültürel, yerelci, kimlikçi siyaseti bir yana bırakmasi, elde hazır kurumsal ve hukuki araçlarını, sistemin karşılayamadığı vaadleri son noktasına kadar götürecek şekilde kullanması gerekir. Aksi takdirde tahteravallinin yanlış tarafına basmaya devam edeceğinden, bu çelişkiyi sol değil -daha önce de olduğu gibi- devletçi keynesçi ekonomi politikaları çözecektir. Continue reading “Kazın ayağı taraklıdır”

Contradictions and possibilities tangling in Qatar



Charif Souki – The man behind the crises in the Middle East (indirectly, and not aware of it..)

Ethnic and religious identities are all pleb categories. They are not determinative. But they are tools in the hands of rulers. We can not understand the logic behind violence by looking at them. That nowadays typical offscouring social scientist model seeking the truth in cultural and identity researches provides the kind of information that can make these pleb categories to both embrace or combat each other. However the rulers do not take decisions according to that kind of information but they think on what to do according to systemic and geopolitical necessities that here we seek their pathways. And it is only afterwards that the rulers use that information provided by offscouring – identity politics – “academician” to fabricate whatever needed – the clash or the hug, the enmity or the fraternity – within plebs. It was for this reason that we have already explained that the nowadays type of postmodern / post-structuralist academics and academy was not able to produce “science” and “knowledge” (conoscenze; conaissance; savoir) in the real sense of the word but could just produce “information”. It produces data and stores, categorizes and presents it -in-form-of- “information”, but it can not convert it into “knowledge”, since it does not have a complete understanding of human life to come up with a political project, that is to say, a “big narrative”. In other words, they lack the jakoben spirit that they should bear by the very definition of the word “academy”. For this reason, they can not escape but being tools to rulers. Continue reading “Contradictions and possibilities tangling in Qatar”

New Geopolitics of the Middle East in the Era of Robotic Revolution



The symbol name of the new US + Russia alliance: Rex Tillerson (T-Rex)

The US must first prevent the entry of new energy suppliers into the market in order to fund large-scale Shale Gas investments and then to evaluate the new horizon that opens up its front. The US will fully use this opportunity to overcome the ongoing global deflationary crisis and to leap to a new model of capital accumulation. Continue reading “New Geopolitics of the Middle East in the Era of Robotic Revolution”

Ortadoğu çukurundan robotik devrime yeni jeopolitik dinamikler



Yeni Amerikan + Rus ittifakının simge ismi: Rex Tillerson (T-Rex)

ABD öncelikle devasa Kaya Gazı yatırımlarının finansmanını sağlamak, sonra da bu sayede önüne açılan yeni ufku değerlendirebilmek için piyasaya yeni enerji tedarikçilerinin girmesini engellemek zorunda. Süregiden küresel deflasyonist krizi aşmak ve yeni bir sermaye birikim modeline sıçramak için ABD bu olanağı sonuna kadar kullanacaktır. Continue reading “Ortadoğu çukurundan robotik devrime yeni jeopolitik dinamikler”