The rise of NATO bloody ass* politics in Sweden by the assassination of Olof Palme through the persecution of Julian Assange — Engin Kurtay

(*) The bloody ass politics is a recently developed technical term in Political Science by Istanbul Institute of Russian and Sovietic Studies (IIRSS). It designates the scholastic fabrication of victimization discourses by the feminist and LGBTQ+ intelligentsia. The term is used in accordance with the postulate that victimization discourses are the typical sine-qua-non fundamentals for fascist self-justifications.

The pic above shows the protest of a feminist activist in Cannes Film Festival in 2022 Spring. The rationale of her protest is to ass-ociate the female victimization (the concept of ‘rape’) with the situation of Ukraine against Russia. Our upcoming studies will focus on how the victimization logic is constitutive for formenting interpassivity against the neo-nazism.

Above: The same ‘NATO bloody ass’ activist attempting to interactivate people in Cannes Film Festival. We will examine how the rationale of her action ends up in intimately interpassifying the public against the neo-nazism.

Let’s look up now at the short history of transformation of political life in Sweden during the last 50 years.

Sweden (as well as it’s neighboring Scandinavian countries) used to be a best example for welfare state until 1990s. Sweden managed to stay neutral in the World Wars in 20th century. It was the symbol of economic and social stability and steady development in the post-War period.

Olof Palme was the last pioneer politician of Scandinavian social democracy and welfare state model. Unlike Trotsky and the Trotskyists, he was a real internationalist — not in words, but in action. And again unlike Trotskyists, he was a real anti-imperialist as he was internationalist: He supported and funded the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, he defended anti-collonial movements, opposed to Vietnam War , stayed away from NATO.

In the UN security council he voted for forbading to export weapons to dirty wars, despite the fact that Sweden has always been one of the prominent arm manufacturer countries and it would massively profit by arm exports!

Therefore there were many reasons for his assassination and for being ignored or under-rated by the Atlanticist-Trotskyist fake Left. A Trotskyist “Leftist” would avoid making comments on him. And when they were asked to make a comment, they would emphasize the capitalist nature of Sweden, pointing out that such individual “good-men” wouldn’t change anything in the world — the usual cynical hiding behind systemicism and sociologism…

There are allegations that the Kurdish terrorist organizasyon PKK was the perpetrator of Olof Palme’s assassination. No matter this allegation was proven or not, we know that the 80’s were the years when the PKK was built up and appropriated by the US. Upon his assassination in 1986, the homeostatic public mood in Sweden started to erode. Sweden became a nesting land for political refugees and for terrorist organisations. In order to contain peace and stability in the public, an aggressive cocktail of identity politics was promoted by the academic and media intelligentsia: the ethnic politics, gender politics, an hysterical reformulation of feminism based on women’s victimization, LGBTQ+ politics and their multiple variations were fabricated and imposed into the public agenda. These indoctrinations offered local Swedish people and the newcomers a common alternative way to signify and cope with the demographic, economic and political transformation. The discourse offered people a new regime of illusionary freedoms. However in real life it brought a series of new harshly restrictive norms. A new regime of moral restrictions was necessary to contain the social solidarity in such a condition where the newcomers’ flirt culture was severely in discordance with the previous libertarian homeostatis.

Sweden became the pivot county in the use of the third way feminism’s victimization discourse as a political and judiciary weapon. In several occasions and particularly in the persecution of Julian Assange we have seen the use of this judiciary weapon.

Elena Bernard (researcher at Красная Весна — click to read her work) provided a very good account on how the LGBTQ+ doctrine was originated in Trotskyism — although she fails to grasp the final twist from over-sexualization (from the 70s to early 80s) to the de-sexualization (from the end of 80s through the 90s). This final twist is made unseen by the success of the imposition of new illusionary freedoms. Indeed the Lacanian psychoanalysis teaches us the logical equivalency of over-sexualization and de-sexualization. A delicate ideological indoctrination can make them equally enjoyable.

In the same pace with the erosion of homeostasis, Sweden became a most radical proponent of the show off ecologism to re-politicise the working class (we mean it within all its variations, blue, white collar, precarious, etc) but by dragging them into a more sterile and docile kind of politics in the new era of capitalist liberalism.

The dissolution of welfare state, the disappearence of the libertarian and equalitarian flirt culture and the abolition of the homeostatis in public life, led to a rise in social stress and discontent during the last decades. This stress and discontent fed neo-nazism and racism. But as usual the Trotskyist/rainbow Left has never questioned the connection between the erosion of the welfare state and the rise of Nazism. It adopted again as usual a schematic and theoretically mystified demagogic discourse for blurring the successes of the previous real Leftist policies: it kept on asserting that the rise of Nazism was the “natural”, inevitable outcome of Capitalism and that Olof Palme was even guiltier for undercovering the evil in Capitalism by annexing it the humanitarian welfare politics…

In our upcoming study, we will examine the affinity between Trotskyism (and it’s various contemporary manifestations as the third wave feminism, LGBTQ+ movement) and Nazism.

They are much closer than one could ever imagine!

So for now, we have the following questions:

What was the stance of Olof Palme against the US fabricated terrorist organisations, particularly against the newly formenting Kurdish separationism?

How Olof Palme differentiated his real anti-imperialist struggle from the fake anti-imperialism related to Wilson doctrine (ie. the right of self-determination enacted and granted by imperialist countries to micro-nations)?

Did the NATO Gladio kill Olof Palme? Did the assassination aim ending Sweden’s two-century long non-alignment policy?