Suudi yetkililer, iki Türk takımının oyun sahasında planladıkları ve son dakika devreye soktukları grotesk gösteriye izin vermedi. Kulüpler ekstra Atatürkçü kesildi, esti gürledi, maç ertelendi ve futbolcular yurda geri döndü. Kısa akıllı, her şeye muhalif olmayı bilgelik sayan yazar çizer korosu hemen aldı sazı eline: Continue reading “Sözde Atatürkçülerin futbol provokasyonu — Engin Kurtay”
Hamas’ attacks: the US sabotaging the Netanyahu + Salman approach — Engin Kurtay
The Palestine Liberation Organizasyon used to have a secular, progressive political agenda. The US project to clash it with its radical Islamist version was in line with the green belt doctrine in force during the 80s. Then throughout 90s and 2000s the left had been made to adopt this religious radicalism with the pretext of democracy and the green belt doctrine which used to be considered as a corner stone of the Middle Eastern fascism in the 70s and the 80s was made forgotten. Victimization and patheticising played the crucial role here — as it is a general case for all kinds of fascistic movements Continue reading “Hamas’ attacks: the US sabotaging the Netanyahu + Salman approach — Engin Kurtay”