The onion-dome-phobia of Zelenski regime — Engin Kurtay

The attacks of Ukrainian government on Ukrainian Orthodox Church took an acute and improvised start on November 2022. The attacks intensified during the following months. As a reaction to all this provocative manipulations, people of Kiev, who consider the facility as their common spiritual and historical heritage, tended to protect the building. But they were stopped and blocked by the Police. Why does the Ukrainian government attack —supposedly— it’s own created Church? And the Western media has carefully avoided reporting any news on this event — and they still keep silence. Why?


The attacks of Ukrainian government on Ukrainian Orthodox Church took an acute and improvised start on November 2022. The attacks intensified during the following months reaching to an extent to a persecution by the cancellation of the rental contract, evacuating the monks and letting some ‘lumpen gangs’ — most probably organised by intelligence services, a similar incident to 6-7 September events organised by the NATO Gladio in Turkey — to violate the Lavra and damaging and/or stealing the icons and other furnishing inside¹. As a reaction to all these provocative manipulations, people of Kiev, who consider the facility as their common spiritual and historical heritage, tended to protect the building. But they were stopped and blocked by the Police. Police barricaded against public, allegedly to protect the Lavra from vandalism. With this pretext, the access of the people of Kiev into the Lavra were totally hindered. Even the previous day we see in the video hereunder a policeman playing in his phone a song mocking and scorning the believers near the Church.

The Western media has carefully avoided reporting any news on this event — and they still keep silence. Their silence has two different reasons:

First is their inadequacy to describe the phenomenon, inability to provide an explanation why Ukraine goes against it’s own people and it’s own ideological apparatus (if it’s really been made its own by the schism and the auto-cephaly operation in 2019 .. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church which was hastily built in 1921 in the aftermath of the 1917 failed split up attempt, was (ostensibly) re-built after the fall of the Soviet Union and it’s autocephaly was made granted by Istanbul, Athens, Alexandria and Lefkoşa, in 2019.).

The second reason is that the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church aims to set the ideological grounds for the annexation to Poland. With that respect the sous-entendu admittance of the defeat against the Russian military operation, the confrontation to the majority of its own people’s religious susceptibility is not a concern, since they have already ‘discarded’ a big portion of the territory as well — and the post-truth NATO-scholastic Western media is of course not keen to express this logic neither.

Besides the reticent admittance of the defeat the obvious question still persists: how come that Ukrainian government now attacks it’s own ideological apparatus, even taking risk in confronting the majority of its population especially at a time when it needs to build more solidarity? Were they all in vain, more than a century-long geopolitical manipulations over the Church, the guided schism, the granted auto-cephaly and so on? if none worked, why?

The answer is to be developed through the work of Prof Zizek: the objectivity and materiality (Althusser) of beliefs. Ukraine (and their Western imperialist masters) created an Orthodox church supposedly anti-Russian, but this apparatus doesn’t work that way. Its onion type domes, it’s furnishing, ritual practices, everything there in still screams Russian since Ivan-the-Terrible. It’s 500 years past prevails the short term geopolitical manipulations. And the NATO masters and their Ukronazi servants aren’t confident about it neither. They storm the Lavra for hunting ghosts:

Click on the image above to open the link for the news about the storming of Kiev Peshersk Lavra.

Although the matter of the fear can be true, this wouldn’t rule out that one is paranoiac. Actually the Ukrainian intelligence stormed the facility to look for Russian spies and just one priest was taken into custody so far. The accusation against him was resistance to police — not espionage.

The substitution of freedoms — Kant avec Sade

To have a closer look at what’s happening with the promptly started persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church by the Ukrainian government, we should remind that no social engineering can be designed without substitution of freedoms. If the ruler plans to abolish a freedom (here it’s the Christian Orthodoxes’ freedom to worship) it must first offer people another kind of freedom as a substitute to it. This formula goes for the rise of Puritanism against Catholicism in abolishing the freedom to transfer one’s delinquency to the Church authority as against appropriating autonomy in private life, the freedom to protest in the Red Square as a substitute for the freedom to gather the workers’ councils for solving issues in everyday life, and so on… Michel Foucault shows how each engineered substitute of that kind that supposedly brings more freedom, on the contrary brings more restrictions. The shift is usually from the explicit oppression towards building inner/internalized and more sophisticated restrictions, or more precisely with foucaultian terms, the shift from the exertion of the sovereign power to the disciplinary power and as it get further sophisticated, towards bio-power.

In our case, the promoted freedom by the West to Ukraine as a substitute to the Orthodoxy is the LGBTQ doctrine. And the LGBTQ politics is the ultimate form of bio-power in our times. It was intensively pitched as a psychological warfare instrument in the Ukrainian conflict: the so-called freedom of a country against the so-called “Asiatic autocratic barbarism” is associated with the freedom of bodies and affirmation of unorthodox sexual desires. This eclectic logic is best displayed in the togetherness of the LGBTQ flags with Ukraine flags in pride parades:

The bloody-ass politics of NATONazism:
An LGBTQ ‘pride’ parade associated with the Ukrainian conflict, organised in a Western European city

The doctrinal adhesive for this association is victimization and grievance (as for the typical contemporary Ukrainian example of this phenomenon, our Institute has introduced the term bloody ass politics. Victimization and grievance have always been the key elements of Nazism and xenophobia. In Ukrainian case, both are supposed to be the “victims” of the same male power, barbarism and violence. And the source of them are —sous-entendus— the same: Asia. It’s not a random fact that the Teutonic and Nazi emblems are self-matriculated on the bodies of the Ukronazis units, specifically the Azov regiment militants. Victimization and grievance are driven on to such an extent of martyrdom to enable them to march on the mine field with the will to enjoy the inevitable consequences: losing a limb or death. The affinity of this conditioning with transgenderism and the LGBTQ logic is apparent: the will to enjoy the exertion of bio-power through the dismemberment of body. Moreover, through this affinity everything of Nazi is curtained by the sweet, innocent, internal (therefore somehow mysterious and unquestionable) fluidity of the gender. Here is we encounter another key features of Nazism, that is, false universalism. The LGBTQ assertion on the “universal” fluidity of gender identities is equivalent to the Sadean assertion “Yet Another Effort, Frenchmen, If You Would Become Republicans“. Both invent similar high reasons —tuning up kinda Kantian categorical imperative— to justify their perversions of similar nature. Lacan had best diagnosed this bifunctionality of self-victimization in connection to the will to enjoy by referring to Marquis de Sade’s Philosophy in the Bedroom in his monumental article Kant avec Sade:

🦴🦴Imagine a revival of Epictetus in Sadian experience: “See, you broke it,” he says, pointing to his leg. Lowering jouissance to the destitution of such an effect where it’s pursuit stumbles, isn’t this to turn it into disgust?

In which it appears that it is jouissance by which Sadian experience is modified. For it forms the project of monopolizing a will only after having already traversed this will in order to install itself in the most intimate part of the subject which it provokes beyond, by touching it’s modesty.🔪🔪


Here it is displayed the inherent logical affinity between LGBTQ doctrine and fascism: We should notify that the two hypothetical characters, Epictetus and his sadistic master, can both be embodied in same real personage and our reader can easily replace the word “modesty” with “self-victimization” — unless the act of showing the broken leg which is disruptive to the Sadean Fundamental Fantasy (sustaining the intact beauty of the body), there is a dimension of hidden profit, surplus-enjoyment, that spoils the Kantian categorical imperative. And this feature is what grounds all kinds of fascist ideologies³. The LGBTQ doctrine is homologous by typically investing in this Sadean Fundamental Fantasy by preserving and asserting the corporeal beauty of people whose souls —allegedly— suffering by gender dysphoria: hormon treatments and gender affirmation surgeries aiming to bring out a perfect female beauty; preservation of the perfect innocent infantile beauty in ‘fluids’; and so on.

Pasolini’s Teorema:
Interchangeability of the object of desire with the object of hate

The relationships of German Nazism and Italian fascism with religion, Protestant Church and Catholic Church respectively, had always been complicated and ambivalent. Seeing them as strong, well rooted ideological apparatuses, nazis wanted to establish their full control and manipulative power over the Church and as they partially failed they also have always been suspicious on their aptitude to control them — and they were quite right on the matter of their paranoia, considering such heroic figures as Giovanni Franzoni and earlier examples as Thomas Müntzer, Wilhelm Weitling.

Today we see the same controversial attitude of Ukronazism towards the Church. One of the discrepancies was the fact that the monotheistic religions — except to some extent Judaism — are welcoming all races. In order to distance themselves from this feature and to install some racist elements, fascists attempted to introduce selective and manipulative pagan notions and figures to Church practices and discourses. But this did didn’t work as they predicted.

A true communist but also known with his Christian faith with slightly refracted to paganism, Pier Paolo Pasolini was a keystone intellectual figure of his time in developing a powerful critique in his art against fascism. His refraction to paganism —as one could easily guess, since he was himself a homosexual— was motivated by reaction to the Church’s anti-homosexual discourse. Thus, Pasolini’s and fascists’ interest in and sympathies to paganism were originated by different and conflicting reasons: Pasolini was distancing himself to Church’s traditional family promotion and anti-gay policy, and contrary to that , the fascists were distancing themselves to Church’s universalistic/pluralistic welcoming attitude to different ethnicities.

This differentiation on the attitude of Pasolini from fascists was the molder in brewing Teorema. One shouldn’t forget that Pasolini’s main allergy was fascism and he was principally intrigued by Die Massenpsychologie des Faschismus. He should definitely be aware of Wilhelm Reich, Frankfurt School dealing with the same problem and he was most probably current of Lacan’s article Kant avec Sade.

Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma
Rinaldo Hopf’s paintings depict Pasolini’s dealing with this SadoKantian spirit of fascism at best


Therefore all bullshittings on what kind of a religious entity was the visitor representing, was he the God or his son or a melange of them with the deamon or so are nonsense(4)⁴ discussions which overlook the fact that Pasolini was before all, a hardcore communist and anti-fascist.

Marc De Kesel is nevertheless correct in diagnosing the psychoanalytical dimension of the film. The whole story after the title sequence is a dream, or better to say, a nightmare. Marc De Kesel is also correct in distinguishing the Jewish features in the film but the Sinai Desert is not an important detail here. The plot is the exact depiction of the antisemitic fascist discourse which was circulating since the 1881 Pogrom in today’s Polish and Ukrainian territories of The Russian Empire: “Jews have demonic seductive talents, don’t let them to infiltrate in your homes, once they are in, they gradually ruin your home and your family“. In Teorema, Pasolini narrated this discourse facing the fascist to their fear. The unanswered question of the journalist gives the clue. The workers cannot answer the question “what happened in particular that this granting of the factory cannot be generalized and that you still need a revolution?” (the quote may be more detailed than the exact wording in the film, bear in mind that here we don’t quote words, we quote ideas). Because the nightmare is also that of the workers’, not just that of the fascists but for different reasons: it deprives them of their fantasy of revolution and sadly speaking, History teaches us that the social base bearing this fantasy often overlaps with the base of fascism. Pasolini answers to this overlapping with the title: No matter whom you blame for the rout of your “revolution”, a Jewish, a foreign intruder, a gay or so, your failure might have been a logical consequence, that is, a theorem.


² Lacan, Jacques, Kant with Sade, Translated by James B. Swenson, Jr., October, The MIT Press, Vol 51, 1989, p 60

³ For a recent example of consanguinity between LGBTQ indoctrination and Nazism, check the Kharkov pride parade proclamation:

4) Very informative but still a basically erroneous account on Pasolini’s Teorema, missing the allergy of fascism of Pasolini: