The Finesse in Design by Nadezhda Kopylova: How to read a book cover — Engin Kurtay

A true academic work is a besetting output. It mustn’t gratify anyone. This peskiness of the academic work is what distinguishes it from what it is scholastic. By the same respect, a Real artwork too, it is analogous to the academic: a true art satirizes the status quo order and it’s beneficiaries while the scholastic presentment pleases them.

——————💪—————— Continue reading “The Finesse in Design by Nadezhda Kopylova: How to read a book cover — Engin Kurtay”

Sevgili Ed — Nicoleta Marinescu

Resmin kaynağı: Jeremy Willard’ın 21 Mart 2017 14:32 tarihli XTRA’da yayınlanan “Who was the real Tadzio?” başlıklı makalesi

—Tadzio yürümeye devam ediyor—

Not: Bu şiir daha önce 11 Ocak 2011 tarihli Exquisite Corpse dergisinde İngilizce olarak yayınlanmıştır. Hitap edilen Edward (Ed), editör Andrei Codrescu’ya Thomas Mann’ın Der Tod in Venedig kitabındaki Tadzio’yu anımsatmıştır. Continue reading “Sevgili Ed — Nicoleta Marinescu”

Football provocation by the so-called Kemalists — Engin Kurtay

Saudi authorities did not allow the grotesque show that the two Turkish teams planned and put into action at the last minute on the playground. The clubs’ executives roared exhibiting more Ataturkism, the match was cancelled and the players returned home. The chorus of short-smart writers and “intellectuals” who consider it wise to oppose everything immediately began singing their usual song: Continue reading “Football provocation by the so-called Kemalists — Engin Kurtay”

Grabbing the bull by the horns without being concerned who gonna follow me — Sahra Wagenknecht

Editorial note: In ‘Theory of the Subject’, Alain Badiou theorises four political affects (or emotional states) – courage, justice, anxiety and the superego. The superego represents the force of law, and hence of the established order. Anxiety arises from a lack of symbolic order, and impedes decisive action. Justice is the opposite of the superego. It rejects adherence to present laws. Instead, it expands the symbolic order to include new elements. It is the basis for a new commonality. Courage is the opposite of anxiety. It allows decisive action without guarantees.

Continue reading “Grabbing the bull by the horns without being concerned who gonna follow me — Sahra Wagenknecht”

Hamas’ attacks: the US sabotaging the Netanyahu + Salman approach — Engin Kurtay

An advance in tourism business by establishing nude beach at the coast from Israeli border till the Egyptian border is administered to improve the economic conditions in Gaza Strip

The Palestine Liberation Organizasyon used to have a secular, progressive political agenda. The US project to clash it with its radical Islamist version was in line with the green belt doctrine in force during the 80s. Then throughout 90s and 2000s the left had been made to adopt this religious radicalism with the pretext of democracy and the green belt doctrine which used to be considered as a corner stone of the Middle Eastern fascism in the 70s and the 80s was made forgotten. Victimization and patheticising played the crucial role here — as it is a general case for all kinds of fascistic movements Continue reading “Hamas’ attacks: the US sabotaging the Netanyahu + Salman approach — Engin Kurtay”

The onion-dome-phobia of Zelenski regime — Engin Kurtay

The attacks of Ukrainian government on Ukrainian Orthodox Church took an acute and improvised start on November 2022. The attacks intensified during the following months. As a reaction to all this provocative manipulations, people of Kiev, who consider the facility as their common spiritual and historical heritage, tended to protect the building. But they were stopped and blocked by the Police. Why does the Ukrainian government attack —supposedly— it’s own created Church? And the Western media has carefully avoided reporting any news on this event — and they still keep silence. Why? Continue reading “The onion-dome-phobia of Zelenski regime — Engin Kurtay”

France under attack — Alex Krainer

Chinese Embassy in Belgrade,
Bombed by NATO in 7 May 1999

Another detail about the riots could have symbolic relevance: namely, Reuters reported that Chinese tourists were injured when rioters attacked a bus carrying a Chinese tour group in Marseille. The attack, which took place on Thursday, 29 June 2023 again reveals the cabal’s modus operandi. Recall, when the US and NATO bombmed Belgrade in 1999, five U.S. Joint Direct Attack Munition guided bombs hit the Chinese embassy, killing three Chinese state media journalists. One bomb might have gone astray and hit the embassy by accident, but five bombs were a message, as was (probably) last Thursday’s attack on Chinese tourists. It would be difficult to explain why rioters who had grievances against the French government and demanded Justice for the young Nahel Merzouk, thought they’d obtain that justice in attacking the Chinese.
Continue reading “France under attack — Alex Krainer”

What if the murderer is put in charge to investigate the murder: Thinking back on Linda Norgrove, the castration of Bradley Manning and the ripped condom in Sweden — Engin Kurtay

“Cheese” Joseph, it’s photo shooting

The 3rd of July is the birthday of Julian Assange. And this article is a birthday gift to Julian.

I was astonished by the reaction of my colleague, when she told me “there are much more important issues than Julian Assange in our agenda” meaning that the LGBTQ “struggle” was more important than endorsing Assange — sad to mention here, she is professor of Ethics… Now considering this course of events in the post-Nazi Atlantic order that are slightly different than known in the public, things become clearer and nothing becomes astonishing. Continue reading “What if the murderer is put in charge to investigate the murder: Thinking back on Linda Norgrove, the castration of Bradley Manning and the ripped condom in Sweden — Engin Kurtay”

Why did the Nazi-Atlantic axis name their military exercises in the Baltic as “Aurora” — Engin Kurtay

Istanbul Institute of
Russian and Sovietic Studies

Their naming is not arbitrary and definitely not denoting these romantic polar lights. A gunboat diplomacy never consists of merely a military power show off — it is always accompanied by some symbolic messages that only-begotten by diplomates and historians. Romantization is the enemy of Truth, the connerie of the leftists. It’s an open information. But it’s a marginalized knowledge. In our times when humans got used to “think” by associations and short proclaims the nature of censor has changed too. Now we have ‘knowledge at disposal’ as opposed to the ‘marginalized knowledge’. Continue reading “Why did the Nazi-Atlantic axis name their military exercises in the Baltic as “Aurora” — Engin Kurtay”


The back cover of the first Workshop’s Proceeding

What was the cause of this allergy — that they were abusing the notion of ‘academic autonomy’ that they so fiercely defended, in its most negative sense as ‘the freedom to marginalize a certain kind of knowledge‘?

Our basic hypothesis here is this:

Establishing and maintaining an ideological hegemony is only possible if the loyalty noose between the epistemic community and the layers below it, is carefully being kept INVISIBLE. A situation in which an epistemic community (a politicized academic group) exposes it’s liaison with propagandists or agitators indicates the collapse of their ideological hegemony.

Continue reading “OUR MISSION-II”

Let’s study how Chrystia Freeland avoids talking on her grandpa’s Krakivski Visti — Engin Kurtay

Hey Chrystia! Don’t be a puppet. You should go to Ukraine and join your army for re-writing a decent national history!

We would never judge, of course, someone by his\her anchestor’s criminal records. No matter how their “blood” is related, they’re different individuals. Their acts and their thoughts are assented as disconnected from each others.

But what if the descendant of a criminal appropriates and even celebrates this ancestor —not in his/her own private conversations but— in Public, in media? Continue reading “Let’s study how Chrystia Freeland avoids talking on her grandpa’s Krakivski Visti — Engin Kurtay”

They are “victims”, therefore they are tolerable to be Nazis! — Engin Kurtay

LGBTQ+ is the biopolitics of neo-Nazism

Around mid-October 2022 news reported that two idiots committed suicide in Yerevan — but be careful, no news defined them as “idiots”. It’s us, who define them as “idiots”. No one else!

But what it is exactly the “idiocy” here?

It’s certainly NOT in the fact that the suiciders were gays, as many other idiots (some even among our readers) would hastily love grabbing the assertion that we were homophobic and that’s why we call them “idiots”. Fortunately not all gays are LGBTQ+ indoctrinated and the smartest ones are even against to it — against being politically manipulated by dirty LGBTQ+ agendas. Continue reading “They are “victims”, therefore they are tolerable to be Nazis! — Engin Kurtay”

Mass protests break out around Europe and see how Facebook censors them — reported by our colleague from Vienna

One of the principal arguments of the imposition of the democracy versus autocracy dichotomy is that while democracies do ensure freedom of speech, share of information and so on, autocracies fail to do that.

Now let’s see how the infamous pioneer of globalist totalitarianism, one of the most popular social networking of this so called “world of democracies”, that Facebook of Zuckerberg censors a video about the outburst of mass rallies protesting the sanctions against Russia. Continue reading “Mass protests break out around Europe and see how Facebook censors them — reported by our colleague from Vienna”

She will be living forever in Turkish – Russian fraternity — Daria Dugina

They had no guns in hands but they had stalwart passion and ideas for the Truth. Viles are afraid of the Truth.

The lousy dies every day, the stalwart dies once

—Uğur Mumcu—

and the stalwart lives forever with the Truth she was on pursuit of.

When does the NATO perpetrate assassinations?

From previous assassination cases — namely with Gendarmery General Eşref Bitlis, journalist Uğur Mumcu and many others — we know that the NATO Gladio starts its heel killings when it fails marginalizing adverse opinions and political trends in public by its puppets in academia and media. We call them the “commissioned intelligentsia” or in other words the “NATO Academic-Gladio“. Continue reading “She will be living forever in Turkish – Russian fraternity — Daria Dugina”

The shelling of Zaporozhye Nuclear Plant — Vasily Prozorov*

US is well specialized on false flag, so the Zelensky government learns from it’s master

*Vasily Prozorov is a former employee of the Security Service of Ukraine (1999-2018). He is the founder of the UkrLeaks project. He answered the questions of viewers and readers on the air of the main opposition project of Ukraine, the Voice of Pravda and on the PolitWera channel.

This interview is the slightly reviewed version of the automatic translation of his own broadcast in Russian.

Here are the main quotes: Continue reading “The shelling of Zaporozhye Nuclear Plant — Vasily Prozorov*”

A risky reconnaissance operation into the British roge state territory — Engin Kurtay

It’s barons’ stuff
(not that of the people of England)

The tricky thing here is that the discrepancy between the “idea” and the practical interpassivity* doesn’t originate from some illiteracy or lack of acknowledgment. As the common belief that Assange must be freed is right and just, the common uncertainty that this belief (that he must be freed) is common is also right and sound — the former is undisputably right as a matter of historical and universal justice (an ethical necessity) and the latter is also sound because it’s pretty likely that in a society there are often some (as Priti Patel and/or as the Betty-the-Queen) who may not believe so or who have normalized not acting in line with their own beliefs. Continue reading “A risky reconnaissance operation into the British roge state territory — Engin Kurtay”

Priti Patel: conformism, opportunism, Machiavellianism — Engin Kurtay

One should really be endowed by an heroine lordly spirit for putting an ultimate wedge to the extradition of Assange,

This wedge could be put either by gathering a brave group of British people ready to fight and storm the Belmarsh Jail (which is located 18 km away from the center of London, where people could first gather in Trafalgar Square and start a march —but definitely not a parade— towards Belmarsh) to free Assange by also possibly completely turning down and burning the Belmarsh Jail (as it was previously done with Bastille, a little while ago, in Paris)… Or alternately, just by (refraining from) putting a signature by the politician in charge, that is, by Priti Patel. Continue reading “Priti Patel: conformism, opportunism, Machiavellianism — Engin Kurtay”

The rise of NATO bloody ass* politics in Sweden by the assassination of Olof Palme through the persecution of Julian Assange — Engin Kurtay

(*) The bloody ass politics is a recently developed technical term in Political Science by Istanbul Institute of Russian and Sovietic Studies (IIRSS). It designates the scholastic fabrication of victimization discourses by the feminist and LGBTQ+ intelligentsia. The term is used in accordance with the postulate that victimization discourses are the typical sine-qua-non fundamentals for fascist self-justifications.

The pic above shows the protest of a feminist activist in Cannes Film Festival in 2022 Spring. The rationale of her protest is to ass-ociate the female victimization (the concept of ‘rape’) with the situation of Ukraine against Russia. Our upcoming studies will focus on how the victimization logic is constitutive for formenting interpassivity against the neo-nazism. Continue reading “The rise of NATO bloody ass* politics in Sweden by the assassination of Olof Palme through the persecution of Julian Assange — Engin Kurtay”

The joy of shifting between middle finger and bloody ass — Engin Kurtay

An illustration from a Medieval manuscript
Open Culture, December 8th, 2020

We previously studied the complications of “playing with Other’s toy” by showing the similarities between the Ukrainian kids’ playing with the plush Javelin toys and the UkroNazis’ playing with the real Javelin missile toys.

Now we will study a similar case:

The unbearable lightness of defending the independence of Ukraine by the Ukrainians who well fulfilled their fantasies by having already moved to the West…

The similarity between the two cases is that, while in both cases they allegedly struggle for their independence, they pathetically end up in—dependence by mind and soul. Continue reading “The joy of shifting between middle finger and bloody ass — Engin Kurtay”

The confirmed rogue state status of the UK — Engin Kurtay

Sorry pigs,
nothing against you

The judges in the UK, dealing with the Assange Case,
We warned you:

You should stop Show Trial, you should free Julian Assange.

You did the wrong thing.

Your wrongdoing has three consequences:

The first one is a very good one: Thanks to you that Julian Assange’s monument will be erected even higher over your infamy.

The second one is bad for your country but good for the world: you confirmed the rogue state status of the UK.

The third one is bad for you: you confirmed that you are not “judges” but you are the tiny puppets of the transatlantic imperialist cooperation.

We wish you soon meeting your bandit buddies, Shaun Pinner and Aiden Aslin:

Playing with Other’s Toy — Engin Kurtay

The Javelin Missile toys for Ukrainian kids

Question : When a toy functions as an object of ideology?

Answer : It’s exactly when the Other outsources its own beliefs being run through the mediation of an object-toy.

The Javelin-Toy in Ukraine is a perfect examplary for this formula. Playing with it encapsulates and perpetuates all sorts of eclectic associations for Westernization, independence, nationalism, freedom, democracy and so on… but, there is a problem : it’s Other’s Toy and it’s given to them to perpetuate Other’s beliefs.

Therefore it’s not an accidental fact that thousands of these toys have already been captured by the Russian Army.

One’s true belief however is never manifested via a toy. It is manifested through another human, a compatriot’s/comrade’s authentic action :

—A painting by Lisa—
—14 years old student—
—from Krasnodar—

The sequence of events rolling into the false-flag massacre in Bucha — Engin Kurtay

Destined to fail

People all around the world are more aware of the Western media orchestrated lies, especially after a bulky history of false-flag massacres of civilians since 10 years in Syria.

Do the occurrences of false-flag stagings in Syria and in Bucha look similar by coincidence? Or are they somehow connected to each other by method, experience and by their fabricators?

We hope one day in future the investigative journalism will unearth it, if there is such a connectivity — should Bill Browder, Kati Piri and their team who used to get nested in South Cyprus kindly guide them. Unfortunately the founder of White Helmets, the MI6 spy James Gustaf Edward Le Mesurier died. Therefore he cannot contribute to this great job for humanity. And the buffoon “philosopher” Bernard-Henri Levy did not die in Mariupol —as the Ukrainian channels reported for fabricating a “hero” out of a scoundrel. He is seen in Kiev after Odessa. There is reason to believe that he is the screenwriter of bloody provocations by Ukrainian Nazis.

Nevertheless, revealing these connections is a future project. Continue reading “The sequence of events rolling into the false-flag massacre in Bucha — Engin Kurtay”

Come on ! They would spray perfume! — The Western Media

Come on!
It’s for disinfection and bathe…

(The pic above: Majdanek Death Camp Gas Chamber)

The US Pentagon funded bio-weapon labs were already laid bare in the military operation in Ukraine.

And today:

… a scandalous technical inquiry by Ukraine to the manufacturer of the unmanned aerial vehicles has been unearthed.

Pay attention to the ITEM 9 in the letter.

Here is when the Western Media censors an Ukrainian broadcasting! — Engin Kurtay

Do you think it’s past? No. It’s right here and there!

You will pay for it! But not on the field. On the Court !

It’s a common fact that the Western Media prioritizes the Ukrainian war propaganda.

However there are exceptional situations when the Western Media carefully censors the Ukrainian broadcasting.

This video hereunder is shot and spread by Ukrainian soldiers — as a revenge, upon their defeated counter-offensive around Kharkov. And it is carefully censored by the Western Media :

The immediate reaction of our audiences is “Oh, this is war, war is hideous!“.

But it shouldn’t be that simple. We should ask how one should deal with this hideousness. Continue reading and watch how the surrendered Ukrainian soldiers are treated according to the Geneva Convention: Continue reading “Here is when the Western Media censors an Ukrainian broadcasting! — Engin Kurtay”

Disseminating fake declarations on behalf of Russian scholars — Engin Kurtay

Two declarations denouncing the Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, both, allegedly belonging to Russian academics, have recently (beginning from the March 8, 2022 to our knowledge) been made circulated among the scholars affiliated to NATO academic-Gladio.

We will not indicate the specific personages and the name of the University, with whom and where this incident took place. The scholars who got engaged in this fraudulent dissemination activity have already been acknowledged by the nature of their involvement. Continue reading “Disseminating fake declarations on behalf of Russian scholars — Engin Kurtay”